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Specialization in Ophthalmology



Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine that studies the eyeball and its annexes, as well as the visual pathway, in order to preserve, recover and manage visual function, through studies, diagnoses, preventive, medical, surgical, and rehabilitation treatments; Study the eye, its annexes and its relationship with the other organs of the human body

Qualified registration: Resolution No. 18121 of September 27, 2021, Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN).

High Quality Accreditation: Approval Resolution of the Ministry of National Education No. 18121 on September 27,  2021, validity for 4 years.

  • SNIES 712: In-Person | Floridablanca

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Ophthalmology Specialist

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4 levels

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In-person/In Spanish

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Floridablanca (Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander)

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As a fundamental principle, the specialist trained in the PROGRAM of Ophthalmology UIS – FOSCAL must be an integral person with unwavering ethical and moral principles trained in an integral form in the theoretical-practical field of ophthalmology.

Have high eligibility, with the knowledge, skills, skills, and skills necessary to medically or surgically solve the most common pathologies of the eyeball and its annexes.

Be trained to participate as a teacher, identify public eye health issues, and are trained to take appropriate action.

Have the methodology bases of research to develop programs that result in the improvement of their training.

In addition to the above, the Ophthalmology Specialist should:

Know the theoretical fundamentals in Ophthalmology to be able to properly apply the methods, techniques, and technology for the complete examination of the eye apparatus.

Be trained and with up-to-date knowledge in everything related to the preservation of eye health and in its recovery in case of disorders or pathologies.

Know and diagnose diseases of the eyeball and its annexes and the relationship with systemic diseases, at all ages of human development.

Know, apply and perform medical and surgical treatments related to the eye apparatus and its annexes.

Know, understand and critically analyze the strategies and contents of national and international eye health plans such as the Blindness Prevention program to be able to implement them in our communities.

Work in coordination with vision rehabilitation specialists specifically related to subnormal vision or low vision.

Develop solid psychological, humanistic, and bioethical foundations necessary for responsible professional exercise within the legal and administrative framework.

Acquire knowledge and skills that train you for interdisciplinary and interinstitutional work to be able to solve and /or assist in the management of pathologies of high complexity.

Acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that facilitate research, teaching, and continuing education.

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The graduate of the Ophthalmology program of the UIS- FOSCAL must be an integral person with unwavering ethical and moral principles, formed integrally in the practical and theoretical field of ophthalmology.

It has a high degree of suitability and has the knowledge, and skills necessary to medically and surgically solve the most common pathologies of the eyeball and its annexes. They are trained to participate as teachers, identify and carry out relevant actions in the face of public health problems, and develop research work in the area.


For this the graduate must demonstrate that:

Comprises the theoretical foundations in Ophthalmology in order to properly apply the methods, techniques, and technology for the complete eye exam.

Applies the concepts, principles, and theories updated in the presentation of eye health and in its recovery at home from pathology.

Diagnoses ophthalmic diseases in all ages of human development, as well as its relationship to systemic diseases.

Apply medical and surgical treatments to the management of eye diseases.

Critically analyses the strategies and content of national and international eye health plans such as blindness prevention programs for their implementation in our communities.

Works in coordination with the other ophthalmological sub-specialties in all activities related to visual rehabilitation.

Assumes the development of his work with responsibility and follows the legal and administrative framework based on his psychological, humanistic, and bioethical training.

Works in interdisciplinary and inter-agency teams to solve and/or assist in the management of eye diseases.




Full-time dedication.





Code: 26905               Credits: 15 – Basic sciences and optometry

Code: 26906               Credits: 15 – Anterior segment I

Code: 26907               Credits: 15 – Retina and vitreous I

Code: 26908               Credits: 15 – Ocular and oculoplastic oncology I

Code: 26909               Credits: 6 – Research I


Code: 26910              Credits: 15 – Anterior segment II

Code: 26911              Credits: 15 – Glaucoma I

Code: 26912              Credits: 15 – Retina and vitreous II

Code: 26915              Credits: 15 – Paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus I

Code: ——-               Credits: 4 – Research II

Code: ——-               Credits: 2 – Final work I


Code: ——-              Credits: 15 – Anterior segment III

Code: 26916             Credits: 15 – Refractive surgery and cataract

Code: 26917             Credits: 15 – Retina and vitreous III

Code: 26918             Credits: 15 – Ocular and oculoplastic oncology II

Code: ——-              Credits: 4 – Research III

Code: ——-              Credits: 2 – Final work II


Code: 26920               Credits: 15 – Glaucoma II

Code: 26921               Credits: 15 – Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus II – Neuro-Ophthalmology

Code: ——-                Credits: 4 – Research IV

Code: ——-                Credits: 2 – Final work III

Code: 26923               Credits: 30  –  Fellow



Alberto Luis

Ophthalmology Specialist - Subspecialist in Ocular Plastic Surgery


Contact US

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Icono de la unidad con la que se puede contactar

Specializtion in Ophthalmology

Phone: +57 (607) 700 8000

Extension: 2101

Direct phone: 6382828



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Icono de ubicación de la unidad que atiende

Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander

Avenida El Bosque No  23- 60.

Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia.

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.