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Specialization in Evaluation and Project Management



The Specialization in Evaluation and Project Management of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) aims to train highly qualified specialists both to identify, formulate, and evaluate projects based on specific needs and to generate strategic solutions according to the state and objectives of each organization.

The program provides its students with the methodologies, basic tools, and theoretical-practical techniques that will allow them to identify project ideas based on the needs or problems of their environment. During the training process, students will also learn, among other aspects, the necessary instruments to manage projects in the stages of startup, planning, execution, monitoring, implementation, and control.

Qualified registration: Resolución No. 0000 de día del mes del año del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) con vigencia de 00 años

  • SNIES 2628: In-person | Bucaramanga | Qualified registration: Resolución No. 15835 del 21 de septiembre de 2018  del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years.

  • SNIES 91511: In-person | Barrancabermeja | Qualified registration: Resolución No. 15836 del 21 de septiembre de 2018 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years.

  • SNIES 101716: In-person | Bogotá | Qualified registration: Resolución No. 013971 del 15 de agosto de 2018 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years.

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Personalized Advice

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Specialist in Evaluation and Project Management

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2 semesters

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In-person/In Spanish

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The Specialization in Evaluation and Project Management (EEGP) of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) is aimed at professionals involved in management activities, planning, evaluation, administration, and evaluation of projects in public and private entities.




The specialists in Evaluation and Project Management graduated from the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) stand out for:

  • Identify needs, propose solutions, analyze and select the alternatives that meet the best conditions of benefit and adaptability.

  • Formulate and evaluate projects.

  • Assist public or private institutions with project management on a technical level.

  • Carrying out exhaustive project evaluations that allow him to make the right decisions.

  • Knowing the economic, political, and social environment at a global level, which allows him to respond effectively to the organizational demands.




All about
our program




Code:  27900           Credits:    1  – Project Identification and Formulation

Code:  27901           Credits:    2  – Project Market Study

Code:  27902           Credits:    1  – Technical Study of the Project

Code:  27903           Credits:    1  – Environmental Study of the Project

Code:  27904           Credits:    1  – Financial Mathematics

Code:  27905           Credits:    2  – Accounting and Financial Analysis

Code:  27906           Credits:    2  – Financial Evaluation of the Project

Code:  27907           Credits:    2  – Economic Environment


Code:  27908           Credits:    2  – Economic and Social Evaluation of the Project

Code:  26126           Credits:    1  – Legal study of the project

Code:  27909           Credits:    2  – Project Management I

Code:  27910           Credits:    2  – Project Control and Monitoring

Code:  27911           Credits:    2  – Project Management II

Code:  27912           Credits:    2  – Risk Management in Project Management

Code:  27913           Credits:    1  – Procurement Management

Code:  27914           Credits:    2  – Project Management and Evaluation Workshop








Registration opening

June 20, 2024

Registration closing

August 1, 2024


August 3, 2024

Admitted students results

August 6, 2024

Classes start

August 23, 2024


Registration opening

June 20, 2024

Registration closing

September 20, 2024


September 21, 2024

Admitted students results

September 26, 2024

Classes start

October 25, 2024


Registration opening


Registration closing

November 20, 2023


November 20, 2023


November 20, 2023

Classes start

November 20, 2023




Registration opening

Registration closing


Admitted students results

Classes start

June 20, 2024
August 1, 2024
August 3, 2024
August 6, 2024
August 23, 2024
June 20, 2024
September 20, 2024
September 21, 2024
September 26, 2024
October 25, 2024




0,25 SMMLV*

Tuition fee per semester


Academic fee per semester

7,25 SMMLV*

The university has a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start the registration process”, you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students with a voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.



The documentation is received digitally by e-mail gerencia@uis.edu.co in PDF format.

Note: By clicking on the “Registration” button you will find the forms to fill out the documentation requested below.

  1. UIS registration form duly completed and signed.

  2. Resume, in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.

  3. Copy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.

  4. Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.

  1. Copy of the diploma or copy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by an institution of higher education recognized in Colombia.

    Note 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. The degrees must be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic.

  2. Certificate of the grades obtained in the undergraduate program required by the program, including the weighted average.

    Note 2: In the case of UIS undergraduate graduates, it is not necessary to provide this document.

  3. Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration fee or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.


Contact US

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School of Industrial and Business Studies

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 1129 – 1056 – 1035

Email: posgradosindustrial@uis.edu.co

Icono de ubicación de la unidad que atiende
Icono de ubicación de la unidad que atiende

Central Campus UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9 

Escuela de Estudios Industriales y Empresariales – oficina 401

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


7:00 a.m. a 12:00 m.