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Specialization in Construction Project Management



The program conceives Construction Project Management as the set of knowledge, techniques, and skills that professionals must acquire and develop to comprehensively manage any civil works project throughout its life cycle. As a result, the program has a conceptual, technical and managerial structure that allows students to develop the necessary competencies to formulate, manage and deliver, and control projects with a high level of social responsibility, in accordance with economic and environmental sustainability standards.

Qualified registration: Resolución No. 0000 de día del mes del año del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN) con vigencia de 00 años

  • SNIES 9972: In-person | Bucaramanga | Qualified registration: Resolución No. 9722 del 16 de junio de 2020 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years.

  • SNIES 107173: In-person | Bogotá | Qualified registration: Resolución No. 9772 del 18 de junio de 2018 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years.

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Specialist in Building Project Management

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5 trimesters

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In-person/In Spanish

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Bucaramanga and Bogotá




The Specialization in Construction Project Management is aimed at civil engineers, architects and other professionals related to the construction field, who have served as consultants or executors of civil works and who wish to deepen their knowledge in project management.




Specialists in Construction Project Management graduated from the UIS are highly qualified to solve problems of planning, administration, management, programming and control within infrastructure construction projects. They also stand out for implementing new technologies in construction systems, adapting them to national and regional needs and taking into account their social, economic and environmental impact.

Generic competencies: 

  • Ethical commitment. 

  • Formulate structural solutions in civil engineering projects. 

  • Capacity for innovation. 

  • Continuous learning and updating. 

  • Critical and self-critical reasoning. 

  • Handling of information and communication technologies. 

  • Team work.

Specific competencies:

  • Understand the principles of project management that will allow him/her to lead, administer, control and manage companies dedicated to the construction of Civil Engineering projects. 

  • Propose, design, analyze and create strategies for the development of infrastructure construction projects that contribute to sustainable development. 

  • Use information technologies, software and modern instruments to plan, control and evaluate construction projects.

  • Know the new technologies applicable to construction systems, as well as modern methodologies for the administration and control of the construction process of infrastructure works, in order to achieve economic, financial and social impact benefits.

  • Formulate comprehensive solutions for the management of civil engineering construction projects.




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our program




Code:  24471           Credits:    3  – Management Principles

Code:  24472           Credits:    3  – Accounting and Financial Analysis

Code:  27095           Credits:    2  – Information Management


Code:  24474           Credits:    2  – Evaluation of Infrastructure Projects

Code:  24475           Credits:    3  – Strategic Management

Code:  27097           Credits:    2  – Planning and Control


Code:  24477           Credits:    2  – Building Project Evaluation

Code:  24478           Credits:    3  – Project Management

Code:  27096           Credits:    1  – Seminar I: Work Plan


Code:  24480           Credits:    2  – Environment and Environmental Management

Code:  24481           Credits:    2  – Bids

Code:  24482           Credits:    2  – Legislation and Contracting


Code:  24484           Credits:    2  – Quality Management

Code:  24485           Credits:    2  – Audit

Code:  24486           Credits:    1  – Monograph









Registration opening

Registration closing


Results publication

Academic registration

Classes start

Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year


Registration opening

Registration closing


Results publication

Academic registration

Classes start

Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year
Month day, year




0,00 SMMLV*

Tuition fee per semester

0,00 SMMLV*

Academic fee per semester

0,00 SMMLV*

The university has a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start the registration process”, you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students with a voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.



The documentation is received digitally by e-mail eicposgrado@uis.edu.co in PDF format.

Note: By clicking on the “Registration” button you will find the forms to fill out the documentation requested below.

  1. UIS registration form duly completed and signed.

  2. Resume, in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.

  3. Copy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.

  4. Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.

  1. Copy of the diploma or copy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by an institution of higher education recognized in Colombia.

    Note 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. The degrees must be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic.

  2. Certificate of the grades obtained in the undergraduate program required by the program, including the weighted average.

    Note 2: In the case of UIS undergraduate graduates, it is not necessary to provide this document.

  3. Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration fee or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.


Contact US

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Icono de la unidad con la que se puede contactar

School of Civil Engineering

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2453

Email: eicposgrado@uis.edu.co

Icono de ubicación de la unidad que atiende
Icono de ubicación de la unidad que atiende

Central Campus UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9 

Edificio de la Facultad de Ingenierías Fisicomecánicas, piso 1, oficina LP117.

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.