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Specialization in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation



Anesthesiology is the branch of medicine dedicated to the care of patients in whom surgical medical treatments or diagnostic techniques are performed through procedures that contribute to pain relief and the maintenance of the vital functions of the body.

Qualified registration: Resolution No. 012983 of July 31st, 2023, Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN).

  • SNIES 716: In-Person | Bucaramanga

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Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation

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3 levels

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In-person/In Spanish

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Bucaramanga UIS Health Campus




Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • To be a general doctor who graduated from a Colombian university or a foreign university duly recognized with the title of physician approved according to current legislation.

  • To have complied with the legal requirement of the Compulsory Social Service under the Law.

  • To be a comprehensive physician with an academic, union, and research spirit.

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Specialists in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation must be comprehensive physicians, able to adequately treat patients in any of the current disciplines or circumstances or those that may be incorporated in the future by complementing and expanding them with a human character and always based on ethical principles.

The human, scientific, technical, and social characteristics that Anesthesiologists must possess to fully comply with their professional practice are as follows:


Ability to establish communication and empathy with the patient, their families, and other members of the team that handles the patient, with a view to achieving adequate psychological, clinical, and pharmacological preparation for anesthesia, surgery, or other medical events in which they must intervene.


Capability to assess patients undergoing surgical procedures and diagnoses, as well as define and intervene on the risks to which the patient is exposed.


Skill, safety, and effectiveness in the management of anesthetic, analgesic, and resuscitation techniques, together with the ability to perform the medical treatment of underlying pathological entities or situations that complicate the anesthetic act, seek the integral preservation of the organic functioning of the same during surgery and post-operative.


Ability and dexterity to perform immediate resuscitation measures that achieve the restoration of vital signs and the state of consciousness of the patient undergoing surgery or in different clinical situations in which cardiorespiratory functions are terminated.


Motor and intellectual prowess to promptly diagnose the abnormalities inherent in the anesthetic act, trauma, and clinical conditions that endanger the patient’s life and to try to manage them with the least morbidity possible, avoiding permanent sequela.


Ability to diagnose and manage acute respiratory, renal and metabolic cardiovascular problems, as well as other vital systems that threaten the patient’s life.


Motor and cognitive knowledge and skills for the management of acute and chronic pain in critical patients, either inside or outside the operating room, by applying techniques or pharmacological therapy.


Ability to correctly manage invasive and non-invasive monitoring equipment and techniques, allowing you to closely monitor and care for the patient either inside or outside the operating room.


Basic knowledge of patient management in the event of a disaster, individual or collective, small or large, with the development of leadership attitudes that allow them to participate as a member of the team as the team’s director.


Knowledge, attitude, and skills for research development, either individually or as part of research groups.


Motivation towards research activities, planning, organization, and participation in scientific teaching programs.


Ability to handle the concept of Teacher-Assistance integration.


Ability to strictly comply with ethical standards in your professional practice.


Motivation towards the defense of the guild, solidarity and follow-up of the principles of self-care and self-assessment.
Capability of managing and supervising an operating room service


Vision and social focus of your thoughts and activities, as well as the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.





Full-time dedication.





Code: 26885               Credits: 6 – Pulmonology

Code: 26886               Credits: 6 – Cardiology

Code: 26887               Credits: 11 – Obstetric Anesthesia I

Code: 26888               Credits: 11 – Basic Sciences in Anesthesia

Code: 26889               Credits: 33 – General Anesthesia I (Rooms)

Code: 26890               Credits: 6 – Research I (Preliminary Thesis Work)


Code: 26891               Credits: 6 – Obstetric Anesthesia II

Code: 26892               Credits: 6 – Anesthesia for Chest Surgery

Code: 26893               Credits: 6 – Ophthalmoaesthesia

Code: 26894               Credits: 10 – Pain Clinic

Code: 26895               Credits: 19 – Intensive Care and Critical Medicine

Code: 26896               Credits: 20  –  General Anesthesia II (Rooms)

Code: 26897               Credits: 6 – Research II (Thesis work)


Code: 26898               Credits: 17 – Cardiovascular Anesthesia

Code: 26899               Credits: 17 – Anesthesiology for neurosurgery

Code: 26900               Credits: 17 – Pediatric Anesthesiology

Code: 26901               Credits: 6 – General Anesthesia III (Rooms)

Code: 26903               Credits: 6 – Research III (Thesis Work)


Code: 26902                    Credits: 11  –  Optional



The photo was taken in close-up, against a white background, with the professor Carlos Alberto Ortiz Anaya centered.

Carlos Alberto

Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation

Know more

Héctor Hugo

Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation

Héctor Julio

Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation

The photo was taken in close-up, against a white background, with the professor Luis Eduardo Hernández González centered.

Luis Eduardo

Subspecialist in Neuro Anesthesia

Rafael Enrique

Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation and Specialist in Critical Medicine and Intensive Care of the Adult


Specialist in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation and Specialist in Critical Medicine and Intensive Care of the Adult


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Surgery Department

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension:  3104 – 3022




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UIS Health Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Cra 32 No. 29-31.

Facultad de Salud, Edificio de morfología, piso 3, Oficina 307.

Universidad Industrial de Santander.

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.