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PhD in Biomedical Sciences



In coherence with the mission and institutional purposes of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, the PhD in Biomedical Sciences seeks to prepare doctors of a high level of quality in areas of research that contribute to preserving human health. The program meets this requirement of today’s society through the solution of problems related to physical and mental health conditions and the improvement of quality of life, from emerging knowledge in areas such as biochemistry, physiology, virology, cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, anatomy, genetics, neurosciences, materials sciences and epidemiology, among others. Thanks to our training model, as well as the equipment, infrastructure and experience of the researchers and research groups that support the program, the doctor in Biomedical Sciences of the UIS will be a researcher with a high capacity for innovation to face the health problems of the region and the world.

Qualified registration: Resolution No.  017677 of September 17, 2021, Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN).

  • SNIES 104225: In-Person | Bucaramanga

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Personalized Advice

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PhD in Biomedical Sciences

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8 levels

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In-person/In Spanish

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Bucaramanga Central Campus




The academic, personal and motivational characteristics that an applicant to the PhD in Biomedical Sciences program must have are:

• Professional in any area of health sciences or natural sciences, with or without a master’s degree.
• High degree of commitment and curiosity for scientific and innovative development, which must be demonstrated in the elaboration of a pre-proposal of research.
• Interest in conducting research and proposing innovative solutions that preserve human health.
• Ability to work with ethical and moral principles.
• High degree of identification and commitment to the institution and the program.




The graduate of the PhD in Biomedical Sciences of the UIS is a scientist respectful of life, whose training allows him to propose and lead academic and research activities with independence, critical sense, high ethical standards, high social impact and environmental responsibility. The PhD in Biomedical Sciences seeks to improve the physical and mental health conditions and the quality of life of the human being from the emerging knowledge in areas such as biochemistry, physiology, virology, cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, anatomy, genetics, neurosciences, materials sciences, epidemiology and the like. The PhD in Biomedical Sciences is a researcher capable of proposing innovative, collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary projects in search of solutions to the health problems of his region and the world.





Full-time dedication.

Tuition subsidies and condonable loans

All about
our program




Code: 27760                      Credits: 6 – Cell and molecular biology

Code: —                            Credits: 7 – Thesis proposal I

Code: 27762                      Credits: 1 – Bioethics


Code: 27763                      Credits: 4 – Mathematics and Statistics

Code: —                            Credits: 2 – Elective I

Code: —                            Credits: 7 – Thesis proposal II


Code: —                              Credits: 2 – Elective II

Code: —                              Credits: 11 – Thesis I




Code: —                            Credits: 11 – Thesis II

Code: 27769                      Credits: 1 – Seminar I


Code: —                             Credits: 11 – Thesis III

Code: 27769                       Credits: 1 – Seminar II


Code: —                             Credits: 11 – Thesis IV

Code: 27771                       Credits: 3 – Seminar III


Code: —                             Credits: 11 – Thesis V

Code: 27773                       Credits: 1 – Seminar IV


Code: —                             Credits: 11 – Thesis VI


Code: 28388                Credits: 2 – Basic Bioinformatics

Code: 29378                Credits: 2 – Introduction to genetic modification using Crispr/cas9 technologies

Code: 27777                 Credits: 2 – Biology and control of insect vectors

Code: 27781                Credits: 2 – Medical Entomology

Code: 27782                Credits: 2 – Molecular biology of obesity

Code: 27780                Credits: 2 – Population genetics

Code: 29803                Credits: 2 – Antiviral therapeutic alternatives based on the innate immune response

Code: 27783                Credits: 2 – Modulation of cellular processes by viruses

Code: 29168                Credits: 3 – Neurophysiology and electroantennography bases

Code: 29801               Credits: 2 – Oxidant stress in biomedical research

Code: 29802                 Credits: 2 – Mass spectrometry applied to the analysis of peptides and proteins

Code: 27661                Credits: 6 – Analysis and Interpretation of Data in Chemistry (topics related to Machine Learning)

Code: 29169                Credits: 3 – Mapping of scientific literature

Code: 27779                Credits: 2 – Physiology of pain, inflammation and effects of modalities




0,5 S.M.M.L.V.*

Tuition fee per semester

1 S.M.M.L.V.*

Academic fee per semester

1 S.M.M.L.V.*

* The SMMLV for 2024 is $1,300,000 Colombian pesos.

The university has a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start the registration process”, you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students with a voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.






Registration opening

Registration closing

Entrance tests

February 21st, 2024
July 09th, 2024
July 10, 2024



Classes start

November 20, 2023
July 11, 2024
August 12, 2024



The documentation is received digitally by e-mail pgmanten@uis.edu.co in PDF format.

Note: By clicking on the “Registration” button you will find the forms to fill out the documentation requested below.

  • UIS registration form duly completed and signed.

  • Resume, in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.

  • Copy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.

  • Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.

  • Copy of the diploma or copy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by an institution of higher education recognized in Colombia.

    Note 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. The degrees must be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic.

  • Certificate of the grades obtained in the undergraduate program required by the program, including the weighted average.

    Note 2: In the case of UIS undergraduate graduates, it is not necessary to provide this document.

  • Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration fee or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.

  • If the advisory committee so determines, proof of reading comprehension and written production in Spanish language, presenting the certificate of approval issued by the UIS School of Languages.

    Note 3: If the advisory committee so determines, proof of reading comprehension and written production in Spanish language, presenting the certificate of approval issued by the UIS School of Languages.
  • Certification of foreign language level equivalent to or higher than level A2 according to the CEFR for languages, according to standardized test or issued by the UIS Language Institute.

    Note 4: This certification will not be required for those applicants who are native speakers of a foreign language or who have obtained a university degree in a foreign language, according to the description of such studies in the corresponding documents.
  • Three (3) confidential letters of academic reference, in sealed envelopes, sent directly to the graduate coordination, according to the form established by the UIS.

  • Endorsement letter from a research group or center of the UIS or from a scientific institution with which there is an agreement in force, signed by the director of the same, and in which the applicant is presented to the program.

    • Notice A: All the documents listed above must have a digital version in PDF in order to complete the online registration process.

    • Notice B: All documents must be submitted physically. To hand the documents in, please go to the postgraduate office of the program in the city where you wish to take the academic program or to the offices of the entity with which the UIS has an agreement with.

    • Notice C: When physical documents are submitted, additional documents that you consider relevant for the admission must be attached.

    • Notice D: On the page “Start the registration process” the formats to fill out the requested documentation can be downloaded.



The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Carlos Arturo Conde Cotes is centered.

Carlos Arturo

PhD in Science, Mention in Physiology

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Clara Inés Vargas Castellanos is centered.

Clara Isabel

PhD in Biological Sciences

See more

Claudia Cristina

PhD in Biocatalysis

See more

The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor is located in the center.


PhD in Chemistry

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Fernando Rodríguez Sanabria is centered.


PhD in Vascular Pathology and Metabolism Disorders

The photo was taken in close-up, white background, and the professor Fernando Rondón González is centered.


PhD in Science – Biology

See more

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Gerardo Muñoz Mantilla is centered.


PhD in Epidemiology and Vector Biology

Herman Jose

PhD in Hematology

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Jonny Edward Duque Luna is centered.

Jonny Eduard

PhD in Biological Sciences (Entomology)

The photo was taken in close-up, white background, and the professor Jorge Luis Fuentes Lorenzo is centered.

Jorge Luis

PhD in Agricultural Sciences

See more

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor María Carolina Velásquez Martínez is centered.

María Carolina

PhD in Physiology

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Mario Felipe Negrette Guzmán is centered.

Mario Felipe

PhD in Science – Biochemistry

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Natalia Rocío Moreno Castellanos is centered.

Natalia RocÍo

PhD in Biomedicine

The photo was taken in the foreground, white background and the professor Nelson Uribe Delgado is located in the center.


PhD in Tropical Diseases

See more

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Oscar Leonel Rueda Ochoa is centered.

Oscar Leonel

PhD in Epidemiology


PhD in Immunoparasitology

Raquel Elvira

PhD in Basic and Applied Immunology


Contact US

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Department of Biomedical Sciences

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 3124 – 3159

Direct phone: +57 (607) 645 5693



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Icono de ubicación de la unidad que atiende

Health Campus UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Cra 32 No. 29 – 31, Edificio 1, Oficina 213, Facultad de Salud.

Universidad Industrial de Santander

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.