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Master's Degree in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation Engineering



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Water resources management currently poses several challenges that include the spatial and temporal variability of water supply; the deterioration of habitats that provide water-related ecosystem services; the deficit in wastewater treatment; the high vulnerability to risks related to the quality of the resource; and climate change and variability. Likewise, despite progress in access to drinking water and basic sanitation, there are still needs such as regional and social gaps in access to services; problems in company management; lack of attention to environmental sustainability and risk management; and inadequate wastewater and solid waste collection, treatment and disposal services.

In this context, the Master’s Degree in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation Engineering aims to train highly qualified professionals to work individually and as part of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, in the prevention and solution of problems related to water resources and basic sanitation, contributing to the improvement of people’s quality of life and the environment preservation.

Qualified registration: Resolución No. 015962 of September 01, 2023 of the Ministerio Nacional de Educación (MEN), validity for 7 years.

  • SNIES 116228: In-person | Bucaramanga

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Master in Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation Engineering

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4 semesters

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In-person/In Spanish

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The Master’s Degree is aimed at civil, environmental, sanitary, mechanical, chemical, geological engineers and professionals in similar areas, who are interested in providing solutions to problems related to water resources and environmental sanitation that affect the people’s quality of life and the environment.




Graduates of the program are comprehensive professionals with a high technical and analytical capacity to solve problems related to water resources and environmental sanitation. They also possess the necessary skills to interact with social, human, practical and critical sense in interdisciplinary decision-making groups, promoting teamwork within them. In addition, they stand out for adapting effectively to technical changes and for addressing socioeconomic and environmental challenges from a sustainability perspective.

Taking into account the line of specialization chosen during the master’s degree and the graduate work, graduates will have the required skills to:

  • Identify the watershed as a unit of study and propose the appropriate management of water resources.

  • Identify the aquifer as a unit of study of water resources and propose its sustainable management.

  • Model water quantity and quality in lotic systems.

  • Model flood flows in rivers taking into account hydrological phenomena and physical conditions of the watershed.

  • Design wastewater treatment systems in urban and rural contexts, considering the selection of technology and the use of effluents and by-products.

  • Design solid waste management, treatment and final disposal systems in urban and rural contexts.

  • Design urban drainage solutions.

  • Design water supply systems (from catchment to final user, including treatment plant) for urban and rural contexts.

  • Analyze problems related to water resources and environmental sanitation and seek technical solutions to them, involving social, environmental, economic, political and institutional considerations.




On-site sessions

  • One week will feature in-person mediation on campus during the weekend.


    • Friday: 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

    • Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

  • The following week will be mediated through ICT using institutional platforms (Zoom and Teams).


    • Wednesday and Thursday: 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    • Friday: 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

    • Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

All about
our program




Code:  40997           Credits:    4  – Environmental Chemistry

Code:  40998           Credits:    4  – Environmental Processes

Code:  40999           Credits:    3  – Water Resources Management

Code:  41000           Credits:    2  – In-depth Seminar I


Code:  41001           Credits:    4  – Hydrology and Climate

Code:  41002           Credits:    3  – Geographic Information Systems

Code:  41003           Credits:    2  – In-depth Seminar II

Code:  41004           Credits:    2  – Master’s Thesis Proposal

Code:  00000           Credits:    3  – Elective


Code:  41005           Credits:    2  – In-depth Seminar III

Code:  41006           Credits:    2  – Degree Project I

Code:  00000           Credits:    9  – Elective


Code:  41007           Credits:    2  – In-depth Seminar IV

Code:  41008           Credits:    4  – Degree Project II

Code:  00000           Credits:    6  – Elective


Code:  41010           Credits:    3  – Natural Methods for Wastewater Treatment

Code:  41011           Credits:    3  – Hydrogeology

Code:  41009           Credits:    3  – Wastewater Treatment

Code:  41012           Credits:    3  – Groundwater Modeling

Code:  41016           Credits:    3  – Surface Water Quality Modeling

Code:  41013           Credits:    3  – Water Supply Systems

Code:  41014           Credits:    3  – Water Treatment Plant Design

Code:  41015           Credits:    3  – Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Evaluation




    Master in Engineering with emphasis in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (visiting professor)






Registration opening

Registration closing


August 2, 2024
February 3, 2025
February 7 and 8, 2025

Admission results

Enrollment payment


Classes start

February 19, 2025
Month day, year
March 13, 2025
March 14, 2025




0,00 SMMLV*

Tuition fee per semester

0,00 SMMLV*

Academic fee per semester

0,00 SMMLV*

The university has a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start the registration process”, you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students with a voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.



The documentation is received digitally by e-mail eicposgrado@uis.edu.co in PDF format.

Note: By clicking on the “Registro” (Registration) button you will find the forms to fill out the documentation requested below.

  1. UIS registration form duly completed and signed.

  2. Resume, in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.

  3. Copy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.

  4. Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.

  1. Copy of the diploma or copy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by an institution of higher education recognized in Colombia.

    Note 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. The degrees must be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic.

  2. Certificate of the grades obtained in the undergraduate program required by the program, including the weighted average.

    Note 2: In the case of UIS undergraduate graduates, it is not necessary to provide this document.

  3. Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration fee or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.


Contact US

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School of Civil Engineering

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2453

Email: eicposgrado@uis.edu.co

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Central Campus UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9 

Edificio de la Facultad de Ingenierías Fisicomecánicas, primer piso, oficina LP 117

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.