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Master’s Degree in Sports Talent Development



Master’s Degree in Sports Talent Development in Research is an interdisciplinary program that, with the support of 14 research groups, aims to provide a solid foundation in scientific and methodological knowledge to address problems related to sports talent development from the pedagogical perspective of the sports training process.

This program features qualified professors and facilities suitable for research, along with practice settings that enable the program to strengthen both basic and applied research and promote scientific development. Additionally, it includes five lines of research: Sports Training; Anatomical, Physiological, and Biochemical Variations; Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Sports; Sports and Society; and Sports Management and Administration.

Qualified Registration: Resolution of the Ministry of National Education (MEN) No. 017805 dated September 29, 2023, with a validity of 7 years.

  • SNIES: 116229 Modality: In-person | Bucaramanga, Santander

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Magister in Sports Talent Development

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4 semesters

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The applicant to the Master’s Degree in Sports Talent Development at the Universidad Industrial de Santander will be a professional with a national or foreign university degree recognized in:

  • Sport, Physical Education, and Recreation as the core knowledge areas (e.g., Bachelor in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports, Professional in Sports and Recreation Sciences, Professional in Sports Training, Professional in Sports and Physical Education Sciences, Professional in Physical Culture and Sports, Professional in Physical Culture, Sports, and Recreation, Professional in Sports and Physical Culture, Professional in Sports Sciences, Professional in Sports, Professional in Physical Activity and Sports, Professional in Sports and Physical Activity Sciences, Professional in Military Physical Education).

  • Health Sciences.

  • Social and Human Sciences.

  • Educational Sciences.

  • Engineering.

For applicants holding degrees from foreign universities, they must comply with the provisions set forth in subsection (e) of Article 89 of the General Graduate Regulations of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Agreement No. 075 of 2013 of the Superior Council).

Additionally, it is expected that the applicant:

  • Has knowledge in biological, physical, social, and human sciences essential for developing studies related to the sports training process that contribute to sports talent development from a comprehensive perspective.

  • Possesses basic technical and procedural skills in scientific research.

  • Is capable of addressing issues that arise in their professional practice, applying the necessary principles, methods, and techniques for the systematic and methodological teaching of sports at various educational levels and during sports training stages.

  • Has the ability to work in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary groups, demonstrating an ethical, analytical, critical, and problem-solving attitude that contributes to sports talent development.

  • Makes use of technological tools to enhance learning.

  • Possesses professional training elements in areas such as education, health, sports, and related fields, as well as attitudes, aptitudes, and values centered on an ethical environment.




The graduate of the Master’s Degree in Sports Talent Development at the Universidad Industrial de Santander will be a person of high ethical, political, and professional quality, with comprehensive training, capable of meeting the challenges of a globalized context through the acquisition and structuring of macro competencies, such as:

  • Investigates and analyzes multidisciplinary information from various quality sources related to sports talent development.

  • Grounds the sports talent development process on a review of current scientific literature.

  • Compares sports talent development by studying pedagogical, anatomical-physiological, psychosocial, theoretical, and technical components.

  • Develops training plans based on methodological guidelines established with solid scientific foundations and the characteristics of athletes.

  • Coordinates the work of multidisciplinary teams involved in the sports talent development process during different training stages.

  • Implements research methodologies that generate new knowledge in the study of sports talent development, considering the training process.

  • Processes and analyzes data using descriptive and inferential statistics for decision-making in the sports talent development process.

  • Communicates research results that enable sports talent development and promote scientific dissemination.

  • Establishes conditions for safeguarding confidential information in accordance with personal data processing, guided by ethical considerations and respect for human dignity.

  • Establishes assertive and respectful communication processes between coach and athletes, and among athletes within and outside the sports training process, as a resource for the athlete’s comprehensive development.




The schedule will be defined for each cohort.



All about
our program




Code:  40914           Credits:  8 – Theory and Methodology of Sports Training I

Code:  40915           Credits:  4 – Physiological Foundations of Adaptation to Sports Training

Code:  40916           Credits:  4 – Scientific Research in Sports


Code:  40917           Credits:  8 – Theory and Methodology of Sports Training II

Code:  40918           Credits:  4 – Psychological Foundations for Sports Talent Development

Code:  40919           Credits:  4 – Thesis Seminar


Code:  40920           Credits:  4 – Research Seminar I

Code:  40921           Credits:  6 – Graduate Thesis I

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Elective


Code:  40922           Credits:  4 – Research Seminar II

Code:  40923           Credits:  6 –  Graduate Thesis II

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Elective


Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Functional Evaluation and Control in Sports Training

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Adapted Sports

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Prevention and Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Sports Biomechanics

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Genetics and Sports

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Sports Nutrition

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Sociology of Sports

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Sports Management

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Data Analysis for Sports Performance

Code:  00000           Credits:  4 – Language Workshop




0,5 SMMLV*

Tuition fees, academic fees and health fees per semester

2,1 SMMLV*

Derechos académicos por semestre

0,00 SMMLV*

* The SMMLV for 2024 is $1,300,000 Colombian pesos.

The university offers a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or fully covered by a company or entity wishing to support the student.

Various payment options have been made available so students can combine them according to their circumstances. You can find these options on the “Inscription” page.

In addition, UIS has signed agreements with specialized educational credit institutions to facilitate access to graduate programs. These agreements aim to provide easier access and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students who have the voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process are eligible for a 10% discount on tuition fees.






Registration opening

Registration closing

October 5, 2024
January 25, 2025


Start of classes

August 8, 2024
August 12, 2024



The admission and selection process for the Master’s Degree in Sports Talent Development follows the current regulations outlined in Title V of the General Graduate Regulations, approved by Council Agreement No. 075 of 2013, and other applicable norms.

For enrollment, applicants must submit the following documents within the period established by the respective graduate calendar approved by the Academic Council of UIS:

  1. Completed and signed the UIS enrollment form.
  2. Curriculum vitae in the UIS institutional format, including certificates and copies of documents verifying the information provided.
  3. Copy of a valid identification document (national ID for Colombian citizens or valid passport for foreigners).
  4. Recent passport-size photograph, preferably in digital format, with a white background (3×4).
  5. Copy of the undergraduate diploma or certificate of completion issued by a recognized higher education institution in Colombia.

Note 1: If the applicant holds a degree from a foreign university, it must be properly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. Degrees must also be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Colombia, especially for programs in health, law, or other areas regulated by national norms requiring this administrative process.

  1. Transcript of academic records from the undergraduate program, indicating the weighted average.

Note 2: Graduates from UIS undergraduate programs do not need to provide this document.

These documents should be submitted according to the deadlines specified in the graduate program calendar.

  1. Receipt issued by the UIS treasury for the current enrollment fee or deposit receipt into the account authorized by UIS.
  2. For research master’s programs, certification of a foreign language proficiency equivalent to or higher than level A1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, through a standardized test or issued by the Language Institute of UIS. This certification is not required for native speakers of a foreign language or for those who have obtained their undergraduate degree in a foreign language, as described in the corresponding documents.
  3. Two (2) confidential academic reference letters, in sealed envelopes, sent directly to the graduate coordination office using the form established by the Industrial University of Santander, which will be provided by the academic-administrative unit to which the master’s program is affiliated.
  4. For research master’s programs, a letter of endorsement from a UIS research group or center or from a scientific institution with an active agreement, signed by the director. This letter should introduce the applicant to the program and commit to supporting the applicant’s research work and enhancing conditions for the thesis development. The Graduate Studies Office will establish the model letter for this requirement and distribute it to all graduate program coordinators. This model may be adjusted by the Graduate Program Advisory Committee of each academic-administrative unit, provided it does not contradict the regulations stated herein.
  5. Applicants whose native language is not Spanish must present an internationally recognized certificate indicating a B2 level of proficiency in Spanish, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The Language School will provide an assessment of the submitted certificate.



The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Fabio Andelfo Villafrades González is positioned in the center.

Alejandra María

PhD in Human Motor Sciences

The photo was taken in close-up, with a white background, and the professor Alejandra María Franco Jiménez is positioned in the center.

Fabio Andelfo

PhD in Physical Culture Sciences

Jorge Enrique

PhD in Physical Culture Sciences


PhD in Physical Culture Sciences


Contact us

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Department of Physical Education and Sports

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 1610

Mail: maestria.talentodep@uis.edu.co

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UIS Central Campus

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9 

Department of Physical Education and Sports


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Office hours

Monday to friday

7:00 a.m. to noon.

2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.