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Master's Degree in Oil and Gas Engineering



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The Master’s program in Oil and Gas Engineering is the complement in the different areas of training offered by the School of Petroleum Engineering, contributing to the generation of knowledge, developing a program that will allow future master’s graduates to provide solutions to the problems that arise daily in the hydrocarbon industry, providing them with skills and tools to improve and make more efficient each of the different field operations, improving the profitability of the projects, allowing a greater social and economic impact in the regions where the industry is concentrated.

The Master’s program in Oil and Gas Engineering is offered with five emphases to deepen:

  1. Gas and Process Engineering.

  2. Reservoir Engineering.

  3. Hydrocarbon Production Engineering.

  4. Management and Economics of Hydrocarbons.

  5. Drilling Engineering and Well Completion

It offers the possibility for the student to choose one of the areas of specialization covering the needs of the country related to: mature fields, offshore drilling, unconventional reservoirs, petrophysics and operational processes in field production.

Qualified registration: Resolution No. 13290 of June 30, 2016, Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years.

  • SNIES 105673 : In-Person | Bucaramanga

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Master of Oil and Gas Engineering

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3 semesters

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In-person/In Spanish

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Bucaramanga Central Campus




Petroleum Engineers, Chemical Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, Metallurgical Engineers, Civil Engineers, Geologists, Geophysicists, Professionals in administrative areas, among others; who have been linked to work or academically in the area of hydrocarbons for a minimum period of two years.




The Master’s Degree in Oil and Gas Engineering from Universidad Industrial de Santander, is a professional with the ability to plan, lead, formulate, evaluate and execute projects in the area of hydrocarbons for the development of the industry at a national and international level; He is an ethical person, with a high sense of social responsibility, committed to the community and to caring for the environment. To this end:

  • Analyzes and evaluates the global and national environment as a basis for proposing strategies that contribute to the development of the hydrocarbon sector.

  • Uses engineering tools for the formulation, planning and execution of projects that contribute to the development of the sector.

  • Recognises and applies the potential of technology in the hydrocarbon business.

  • Proposes alternative solutions to the problems that arise in the hydrocarbon industry, making efficient use of physical, human and financial resources with social and environmental responsibility.

  • Designs and evaluates investment programs and alternatives for the development of the hydrocarbon sector, contributing to the social and economic progress of the region and the country.

  • Analyze environmental and safety risks and make informed and timely decisions.

  • Accept personal responsibility, teamwork and leadership as elements that allow him to perform successfully in his professional practice.

Similarly, the master’s degree in Oil and Gas Engineering will enable you, among other things, to:

  • Optimize or make the most of existing technologies.

  • Assimilate and build knowledge to solve the fluctuating needs of the hydrocarbon industry.


Gas & Processes



To develop strengths in the areas of operation, design and processing in gas treatment and compression plants, incorporating the different concepts and tools to effectively apply knowledge in the gas sector in Colombia, taking into account the current market and existing software, managing to develop a non-renewable resource for export, aware of the risks and safety in its handling.



of Hydrocarbons


OBJECTIVE: To train in the areas of project management, management of oil assets, to instruct future managers with the ability to manage the resource of hydrocarbons and human talent as an integral part of the production chain, with corporate social responsibility by applying techniques of control and monitoring of projects in the different public or private institutions of the country.



Hydrocarbon Production



To learn about the latest technologies in oil production, artificial lift systems, transportation, and oil and water treatment. Strengthen the ability to adapt and apply new technologies that can enhance the production of reservoirs in order to achieve sustainable resource development.






To understand the behavior of hydrocarbon flow in the porous medium, the rock-fluid interaction and the reservoir during its development. In addition, to provide the tools to evaluate hydrocarbon reserves and predict the additional recovery by implementing different secondary and tertiary recovery methods for reservoirs with different characteristics.



Well Completion



To acquire knowledge of the various drilling and well rehabilitation techniques that will enable you to meet the new challenges associated with deep, unconventional and offshore reservoirs, while planning, managing and optimizing these operations with social and environmental responsibility.




Fridays, Saturdays and some Sundays when the intensity of the hours requires it. Every three weekends.

All about
our program




Code: 40794          Credits: 2 – Reservoir Engineering

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective  I*

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective II*

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective III*

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective  IV*

Code: 40795          Credits: 2 – Applying Seminar


Code: 28177          Credits: 2 – Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Projects

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective V*

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective  VI*

Code: —                Credits: 1 – Elective  VII*

Code: —                Credits: 3 – Elective  VIII*

Code: 40796          Credits: 1 – Applying Workshop I



Code: 40797          Credits: 2 – Innovation and Technology for Energy Coexistence

Code: 40798          Credits: 2 – Sustainable Development Management for Hydrocarbon Projects (SGE).

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Elective  IX*

Code: —                Credits: 2 – Transversal Elective

Code: 40799          Credits: 8 – Application Workshop II



Code: 40827          Credits: 3  – Hydrocarbon Production Chain

Code: 40828          Credits: 1  – Financial Analysis of the Business

Code: 40829          Credits: 2  – Geopolitics of Oil & Gas

Code: 40830          Credits: 2  -Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Code: 28375          Credits: 2  – Human Talent Management

Code: 40831          Credits: 2  – Hydrocarbon Project Management

Code: 40832          Credits: 2  – Monitoring and Control of Hydrocarbon Projects

Code: 40833          Credits: 2  – International Commercialization of Hydrocarbons

Code: 40835          Credits: 3  – Business Models in Energy Diversification



Code: 40800          Credits: 2  – Properties of Hydrocarbons

Code: 40801          Credits: 3  – Basic Process Operations

Code: 40802          Credits: 2  – Gas Treatment

Code: 40803          Credits: 2  – Risk Management in Gas Management

Code: 40804          Credits: 2  – Gas Processing

Code: 40805          Credits: 2  – Gas Liquefaction and Regasification

Code: 40806          Credits:  2 – Gas Transportation Systems

Code: 40807          Credits: 3  – Gas Plant Design with Specialized Software

Code: 40808          Credits: 1  – Design and Operation of Gas Metering Systems



Code: 40818          Credits: 2  – Production Variables

Code: 40819          Credits: 3  – Artificial Lift Systems

Code: 40820          Credits: 1  – Production Records

Code: 40821          Credits: 2  – Separation Systems

Code: 40822          Credits: 2  – Crude Oil Treatment Operations

Code: 40823          Credits: 2  – Integrated Management of Produced Water

Code: 40824          Credits: 2  – Production Optimization

Code: 40825          Credits: 2 – Flow Assurance

Code: 40826          Credits: 3  – Energy Management in Hydrocarbon Fields



Code: 40809          Credits: 3  – Geology for Hydrocarbons

Code: 40810          Credits: 2  – Petrophysics

Code: 40811          Credits: 2  – Formation Evaluation Using Well Logs

Code: 40812          Credits: 2  – Pressure Analysis

Code: 40813          Credits: 2  – Water & Gas Injection

Code: 40814          Credits: 2  – Thermal Recovery

Code: 40815          Credits: 1  – Recovery Chemical and Miscible Methods

Code: 40816          Credits: 2  – Unconventional Reservoirs

Code: 40817          Credits: 3  – Reservoir Simulation



Code: 40836          Credits: 1  – Optimization of Well Drilling Hydraulics

Code: 40837          Credits: 3  – Advanced Well Drilling Engineering

Code: 40838          Credits: 2  – Geology and Geomechanics

Code: 40839          Credits: 3  – Advanced Well Completion Engineering

Code: 40840          Credits: 2  – Offshore Drilling Engineering

Code: 40841          Credits: 2  – Offshore Operations

Code: 40842          Credits: 2  – Well Planning & Design

Code: 40843          Credits: 2  – Well Log Analysis

Code: 40844          Credits: 2  – Complex Well Architecture



Code: 40845          Credits: 2  – Energy in the Petroleum Industry

Code: 40846          Credits: 2  – Digital Transformation in the Hydrocarbons Industry

Code: 40847          Credits: 2  – 2D-3D Computational Fluid Dynamics Applied to Natural Gas Treatment

* These electives will be taken depending on the student’s chosen area of emphasis.




    PhD with in-depth research on hydrotreatment processes and application of advanced analytical techniques for the characterization of heavy oil fractions






Registration opening

Registration closing


May 09, 2024
September 18, 2024
September 25, 2024

Knowledge test

Classes start

September 27, 2024
October 18, 2024




6,84 U.V.T

Tuition fee per semester

27,35 U.V.T

Academic fee per semester

232,48 UVT

The university has a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start the registration process”, you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students with a voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.




The documentation is received digitally by e-mail pgmanten@uis.edu.co in PDF format.

Note: By clicking on the “Registration” button you will find the forms to fill out the documentation requested below.

  • UIS registration form duly completed and signed.

  • Resume, in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.

  • Copy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.

  • Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.

  • Copy of the diploma or copy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by an institution of higher education recognized in Colombia.

    Note 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. The degrees must be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic.

  • Certificate of the grades obtained in the undergraduate program required by the program, including the weighted average.

    Note 2: In the case of UIS undergraduate graduates, it is not necessary to provide this document.

  • Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration fee or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.

  • Graduates of the specializations of the School of Petroleum Engineering of Universidad Industrial de Santander have the option of homologating subjects contemplated in the curriculum of the Master’s Degree in Oil and Gas Engineering. You must undergo the registration and selection process established in the current general postgraduate regulations that will be carried out for all applicants to the program. Once you are admitted, you can apply for homologation at the Admissions and Academic Registry office.

  • Notice A: All the documents listed above must have a digital version in PDF in order to complete the online registration process.

  • Notice B: All documents must be submitted physically. To hand the documents in, please go to the postgraduate office of the program in the city where you wish to take the academic program or to the offices of the entity with which the UIS has an agreement with.

  • Notice C: When physical documents are submitted, additional documents that you consider relevant for the admission must be attached.

  • Notice D: On the page “Start the registration process” the formats to fill out the requested documentation can be downloaded.



Contact US

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School of Petroleum Engineering

Phone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2720 – 1061

WhatsApp: (+57) 313 4801 353



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Central Campus UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander.

Cra 27 calle 9, Ciudad Universitaria. Edificio Jorge Bautista Vesga – Oficina 425.

Universidad Industrial de Santander

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.