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Master's Degree in Computer Science for Education



The Master’s Degree in Computer Science for Education is a postgraduate program that integrates pedagogy with Information, Communication, and Knowledge Technologies (ICKT) in its training process to foster innovation in the educational field. The program primarily contributes to the professional development of teachers, enhancing their ability to identify socio-educational issues, design innovative proposals within and with the ICKT context, and establish communication and interaction networks to generate knowledge. Furthermore, the program views research in the social context as a result of a participatory action research process aimed at improving teaching and learning processes, promoting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Qualified registration: Resolución No. 012523 de 30 de julio de 2024 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), validity for 7 years (more info, view PDF).

  • SNIES 105930: Virtual | Bucaramanga

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Master's Degree in Computer Science for Education

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4 semesters

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Virtual/In Spanish

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The Master’s Degree in Computer Science for Education (MIE), given its field of study and areas of application, is an educational offering designed for teachers across various fields of knowledge. Ideally, applicants should be active educational agents at the preschool, primary, and secondary levels to facilitate the application and transfer of the postgraduate program’s training.

It should be noted that the program does not exclude educational agents from higher education, provided they demonstrate experience, relationships, or interest in engaging with the preceding educational levels.




The graduates of the Master’s Degree in Computer Science for Education are professionals who address organizational problems within and through the context of Information, Communication, and Knowledge Technologies (ICKT). They engage in educational interventions that reflect their pedagogical, technological, and research competencies, serving as the foundation for action-research processes. In dialogue with various educational agents, they recognize diversity and support the construction of organizational unity.




All about
our program




Code:  28303           Credits:    5  – Fundamentals of Technology and Informatics in Schools

Code:  28304           Credits:    3  – Fundamentals of Pedagogy

Code:  28305           Credits:    3  – Fundamentals of Educational Research

Code:  28306           Credits:    2  – Proposal of Degree Work I


Code:  28307           Credits:    5  – Knowledge Construction and Computerized Learning Environments

Code:  28308           Credits:    3  – Theories of Teaching and Learning

Code:  28309           Credits:    3  – Methodology of Applied Research I

Code:  28310           Credits:    2  – Proposal for Graduate Work II


Code:  28311           Credits:    5  – School Management and Computer Science

Code:  28313           Credits:    2  – Methodology of Applied Research II

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  – Elective

Code:  00000           Credits:    4  – Degree Work I


Code:  28315           Credits:    5  – Learning Networks and Communities of Practice

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  – Educational Policies

Code:  28316           Credits:    2  – Computer Tools for Applied Research Support

Code:  00000           Credits:    4  – Degree Project II


Code:  00000           Credits:    2  – The ICTC in the Construction of Scientific Explanations

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  – The Learning Script as the Axis for Virtualization

Code:  00000           Credits:    2  – Didactics of Communicative Competences



  • Emiliano de Jesús LINCE MERCADO

    Master in Engineering (Computer Science)

  • Giovanni LÓPEZ MOLINA

    Master in Engineering (Computer Science)

  • Jorge Winston BARBOSA CHACÓN

    Master in Computer Science

  • José Joaquín CLAROS MÉNDEZ

    Master in Pedagogy


    Ph.D. in Communication


    Ph.D. in Educational Sciences

  • Luz Estella GIRALDO LÓPEZ

    Ph.D. in Education, emphasis on Reading, Writing and New Technologies

  • Martha Ilce PÉREZ ANGULO

    Master in Pedagogy

  • Mairene TOBÓN OSPINO

    Ph.D. in Science (Management)






Deadline for registration


Entrance exam

Publication of results

July 26th, 2024
July 27, 2024
July 27, 2024
August 9, 2024

Academic Registration

Induction day

Beginning of classes

August 12 to 15, 2024
August 16, 2024
August 17, 2024




0,25 SMMLV*

Tuition fee per semester


Academic fee per semester

4,2 SMMLV*

The university has a mechanism through which a student’s financial obligations can be partially or totally covered by a company or entity that wishes to support the student.

Also, various forms of payment have been arranged so that students can combine the available forms of payment according to their particular conditions. On the page “Start the registration process”, you will find the available options.

Additionally, to facilitate access to postgraduate programs, the UIS has signed various agreements with entities specialized in educational credit. These agreements seek facilities and better credit conditions for UIS students.

Students with a voting certificate from Colombia’s last popular election process may request a 10% discount on tuition fees.



The documentation is received digitally by e-mail mie@uis.edu.co in PDF format.

Note: By clicking on the “Registration” button you will find the forms to fill out the documentation requested below.

  1. UIS registration form duly completed and signed.

  2. Resume, in the UIS format established institutionally for this purpose, with the attachment of certificates and copies of documents that corroborate what is described in it.

  3. Copy of valid identity document valid in Colombia or valid passport for foreigners.

  4. Recent document type photo, preferably in digital format, white background 3×4.

  1. Copy of the diploma or copy of the undergraduate degree certificate required by the program, issued by an institution of higher education recognized in Colombia.

    Note 1: If the applicant has a degree from a foreign university, it must be duly apostilled and translated into Spanish if it is in a foreign language. The degrees must be validated by the Ministry of National Education of the Republic.

  2. Certificate of the grades obtained in the undergraduate program required by the program, including the weighted average.

    Note 2: In the case of UIS undergraduate graduates, it is not necessary to provide this document.

  3. Receipt of payment issued by the UIS treasury for the current value of the registration fee or receipt of consignment in the account authorized by the UIS.


Contact US

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School to which it belongs

Telephone: +57 (607) 634 4000

Extension: 2351

Email: mie@uis.edu.co

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Central Campus UIS

Bucaramanga, Santander

Carrera 27 calle 9 

Edificio Laboratorios Pesados, oficina 339

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Office hours

Monday to Friday

7:00 a.m. to 12:00 m.

2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.