Graduate Programs
We have the postgraduate you are looking for!
Specialization in Comprehensive Quality Management
School of Industrial and Business Studies | 2 Semesters
Specialization in Evaluation and Project Management
School of Industrial and Business Studies | 2 Semesters
Specialization in Electric Power Distribution Systems
School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering | 3 Trimesters
Specialization in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering
School of Mechanical Engineering | 4 Trimesters
Specialization in Occupational Health and Safety Management
School of Industrial and Business Studies | 2 Semesters
Specialization in Telecommunications
School of Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering | 3 Trimesters
“We delve into the characterization of materials and the use of different analytical tools. We have the infrastructure and resources to do research”.

ARDILA SANTAMARÍAPhD in Materials Engineering
“We deepen historical knowledge, enhancing critical skills for academia and city issues, such as heritage and memory”.

“We explore different areas of chemistry and a wide variety of analytical techniques, allowing us to participate in national and international research”.

“It provides us with valuable tools to assess the national and international economic environment, giving us the statistical skills necessary to make informed decisions”.

HERNÁNDEZ ORDUZ Master's degree in Economics and Development
“Topics such as astrophysics or nanotechnology, which is the branch in which I work, are addressed. The program offers a wide variety of fields of study”.

QUINTERO GRAUT Master's degree in Physics
“I feel that from my physiotherapeutic profile, I can contribute to educate workers to take better care of their health at work”.

OLMOS BARRETOMaster's Degree in Occupational Health and Safety Management
“Through the interdisciplinary alliance, we acquire the necessary skills to do from the public the best we can contribute to others”.

OTERO LEÓNMaster's Degree in Public Policy and Management
“It enables us to interact with other branches of engineering, such as metallurgy and materials, and with different fields of basic sciences, such as chemistry”.

HERNÁNDEZ PARDOMaster's Degree in Chemical Engineering
“It allows us to carry out a specialized analysis of political, cultural and social scenarios, where the most important thing is justice and respect for diversity”.

RUBIO BARAJASMaster's Degree in Social Intervention
“The Master allows us to develop theoretical skills and implement specialized software for modeling in different fields of science”.

ESPITIA CRUZMaster of Applied Mathematics